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Restater is an intelligent property valuation tool created by a start-up in Malaga, Spain. It allows users, mainly real estate professionals, to get accurate market valuations of properties. These valuation reports allow them and their clients to understand the realities of the market. For this project we were required to create the entire user journey from landing page through to final valuation report. The product, the report generator, was required to be a minimum viable product that could realistically compete in the market.

The Brief and Scope


Understanding The Problem

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  • 8 User Interviews

  • Extensive Benchmarking

  • Frequent client meetings

To gather information for this project we contacted dozens of real estate professionals via LinkedIn and personal connections. We were able to have a total of 8 user interviews that helped us better understand the needs of our users and where there might be a gap in the market. We also benchmarked several competitors to get a better understanding of their feature sets and common themes among their branding.

We Wanted To Know…

  • how/where people currently accessed property valuations

  • where this data was coming from and how it is useful

  • users’ experiences with other valuation tools

We Learned That Our Users…

  • are real estate agents in a competitive market

  • have clients that do not understand the realities of the market

  • have difficulty accessing accurate valuation information

So, Let’s Help Them…

  • have a simple tool that allows them to generate these reports

  • easily share these reports with their clients

  • provide reports that are customisable and understandable depending on the end user

User Personas

For this project, through research, it became clear that we would need not only a primary user persona, the real estate professional, but also a secondary one, the client. This became especially important as we would begin to design the valuation report itself as the end user is indeed an average buyer/seller and not a real estate professional. These user personas helped us to set the scene and have a scenario in mind while designing.

Primary Persona


José Perez

  • Real estate agent

  • 41 years old, Madrid

  • Needs accurate valuation reports – houses priced correctly sell more quickly.

  • Needs to keep a competitive edge in the market

  • Has tried other valuation tools in the past.

Secondary Persona


Paloma Santí

  • High-school head mistress

  • 51 years old, Madrid

  • Stubborn negotiator

  • Needs to sell her mother’s home

  • Believes her home is worth more than it is

  • Wants to get the highest price so she can use the money for retirement

The Prototype

Having defined our problem through our extensive research phase we began to create the final product. This product was refined over 15 user and usability tests and 5 rounds of iterations. This testing included moderated usability testing, card sorting, tree testing and desirability testing. Check out the final prototype below! Or click here to see it live in action on Figma.

 But how did we get here?

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Final Iterations

While I would love to show the dozens of iterations that we made on this project – it would be entirely too much. We iterated many times on navigation styles, copy, colours, and information hierarchy thanks to the information provided to us through our 15 usability and user tests. The final iteration below shows the evolution of the valuation report which proved to be one of the most challenging parts of this project as it required close attention to detail with regards to visual style and hierarchy as well as to the placement of the pieces of information themselves based on users’ expectations.

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Looking Back

This two-week client project was very rewarding and challenging at the same time. We ran into several obstacles in our journey starting with a 3 day delay with receiving the full brief material. To overcome this, we quickly adapted our plan to take advantage of this time to do other steps such as user recruitment and benchmarking. We also came up against some challenges with finding users who had experience using valuation tools. To overcome this problem we compiled a list of dozens of estate agents throughout Spain and sent out further requests with a screener question to be sure we would speak to the right people.


All of our hard work paid off as we were awarded at the winners of the best project among several other contenders.

What We Learned

  • Be sure to have a very specific target user in mind when recruiting for interviews

  • Having close contact with the client is key for resolving doubts and avoiding problems

  • When working with complex data visualisation, staying in mid-fidelity for as long as possible saves headaches later

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