
Below is a selection of projects that I have worked on. Some of these were completed as hypothetical case studies and others for clients based in Spain. Feel free to check them out!

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Restater is an intelligent property valuation tool. This project was completed for a client during a two-week sprint and required an end-to-end design from landing page to product. My team was very proud of this hackathon-winning project.


Simplicity is a travel app that offers users a clean and simple experience to book low-cost travel.


El Jardinet Dels Gats is a non-profit organisation in Barcelona. For this project we did a complete site and visual redesign and delivered a fully responsive coded landing page.

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Get Outside! Is a habit tracking app that encourages people to spend more time outdoors and find new places to go walking. This project had a focus on research and low to mid fidelity iterations.